Prayer is the first and the last. This virus will not go away, except when Allah wills that it goes away. Pray. Pray often. Pray hard. Pray with sincerity. Pray with tears. Pray with focus. Pray with emotion. Pray collectively. Pray at night. Pray in the day. Pray with your body. Pray with your heart. Pray to Allah to remove the difficulty. Remember that when the Prophet was faced with difficulty, he would first resort to prayer. Prayer is not an afterthought; it is the most important element for alleviating difficulty.
Oh Allah: we ask you by all your beautiful names: We ask you for your Mercy, Love, and Protection. Oh Allah, please guide us to the right path; Oh Allah forgive us, accept our repentance, grant us honor in this life and the hereafter; accept our deeds, bless our families and communities, protect us from all harm, evil, sins and diseases ; help us overcome our shortcomings ; help us be a light to ourselves and to others ; bless our mosques and scholars and leaders ; grant us your paradise ; make us patient and loving and forgiving ; help us be steadfast in our responsibilities and our prayers. Ameen