
Upcoming Events

Life of Prophet Mohamed
A new 6-part series on the life of the Prophet (PBUH) at Torchbearers youth nights. Immerse yourself in the inspring Seerah and extract valuable lessons to help you navigate your life. Social hour starts at 7PM followed by Talk and Discussion. For Ages 13+
Past Events
MAS Tarbiyah Center Youth Team and Young Muslims of Tawheed Center are joining forces to bring you a fun evening of making parfaits and tasbeehs followed by a Ramadan prep halaqa!
As we approach the 59th memorial of his martyrdom, join us to reflect on the life lessons of Malcolm X (Rahimahu Allah) in a special edition Torchbearers session with guest speaker Imam Saleem Khalid.

The Palestinian struggle continues and one of the biggest things we can do for them is pray. Our next Torchbearers session with guest speaker brother Oussama Ajerd will focus on the weapon of the believer, dua’a. Following the talk, we will have a night of action with mock debates and speeches and letter writing to practice effectively advocating for the Palestinian cause.
Calling all highschoolers! Join us for a bonfire and s’mores at a special Torchbearers event on Friday, October 13th. We will discuss and reflect on prioritizing what matters in life. Come one, come all and bring a friend! Sign Up Now!
Join Torchbearers on Friday, September 29th to explore the Importance of Good Company with Imam Mika’il from 7:30 – 9:00!
Bring your tent and sleeping bag and prepare for an outdoor, under-the-stars, true camping experience! Experience the beauty of the night sky, hike through nature-filled trails and build bonds of sisterhood.
Experience the wilderness in a true tent camping experience! Enjoy fun outdoor games, forage through beautiful foliage, forge bonds of brotherhood and get that much-needed spiritual revival!
Join us as we delve into the practice of embracing the sacred month of Ramadan with open hearts and a strategic approach, led by Sheikh Aly Lela.
📆 Date: Friday, March 8
🕐 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
📍 Location: MAS Tarbiyah Center, 36924 Ann Arbor Trail
Calling all high school and college students! Do you have a teacher or classmate that is interested in learning more about Islam? Are you looking for an opportunity to have them experience a Ramadan iftar and get a taste of the Ramadan experience? Invite them to the KYMS!
Muslims accompanying their guests of other faiths are welcome.